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vdsping.dll V1.0 (44 kB) Date: 28-08-1999 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: VDS 2.03

Have your VDS scripts ping to other computers to determine the delay or resolve hostnames using this extension DLL.

clock-bar.dsc (1 kB) Date: 07-08-1997 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: VDS 2.03 Preview

Short script that shows the current date and time in the active window's title bar. The script refreshes the date and time every second.

vdshtml.dll V1.0 (287 kB) Date: 18-11-1999 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: VDS 2.03

This is a partially finished extension DLL for VDS, which implements a HTML control onto a VDS dialog (or any other Windows dialog). Frames aren't supported. It won't be developed anymore as the source code was lost. Because of this be very careful with using it as unexpected errors may occur!

vdsirc.dsc (3 kB) Date: 15-05-2001 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

You can use this script to connect to IRC servers. The script isn't finished yet, it doesn't fill the user name listbox yet for example, but it will show the basics for making an IRC client. It requires the VDSINET DLL which is available in the DLL section of this site.

dlgedit.dsc (1 kB) Date: 20-04-2001 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

A simple dialog editor with snapping grid for just one control for demonstration purposes. The grid is painted very slowly, it would be better to use an image for the grid.

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