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tutorial.dsc (3 kB) Date: 27-08-2001 Freeware
By McLain Software E-mail: VDS 3.51 Preview

Simple tuturial script for people starting to use VDS containing an extensive amount of comments about the code.

winlist.dsc (1 kB) Date: 14-07-2001 Freeware
By McLain Software E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

Script that keeps track of all Windows that are activated and stores their titles into files periodically. This is especially useful to watch your kids while they are using the computer.

vds2cpp.dsc V1.0 (14 kB) Date: 16-08-2000 Freeware
By Mike Cherry E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

This script converts VDS dialog code to C++ code. The generated C++ code is tested to work under Borland C++ 5.

resize.dsc (2 kB) Date: 31-03-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

Small but good example which shows how to reposition all dialog elements after the dialog is resized. Also shown is how to set minimum dimensions allowed for a dialog.

armageddon.dsc (2 kB) Date: 24-04-2001 Freeware
By Dagur Páll Ammendrup E-mail: VDS 3.00 Preview

Shuts down the computer after a specified time. There's an extra delay before the shutdown actually starts, so that it can be cancelled at any time.

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