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vdssave.dll V1.7.30.2000 (99 kB) Date: 30-07-2000 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

Easily create a full featured screensaver with Visual DialogScript. It allows you to show and use the operating system's default password dialog and customize the screensaver preview pane. It allows you to disable some keyboard keys such as CTRL+ALT+DEL and can hide or show the taskbar and mouse cursor. The source code of this extension is included.

vdsvol.dll V1.7.31.2001 (26 kB) Date: 31-07-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This DLL allows to change the volume for both left and right wave channel in a secure way.

vdswinver.dll V1.7.10.2001 (33 kB) Date: 11-07-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This extension returns various operating system version details. A special feature it contains is returning the suite name on Windows NT/2000 systems.

vdsinout.dll V2.0 (44 kB) Date: 25-03-1998 Freeware
By Peter Jacob VDS 2.03

This extension DLL is primarily aimed at working with binary files and also provides limited encryption features.

vdsdll3.dll* V3.15 (444 kB) Date: 16-02-2002 Price: $19.99
By Tommy Sools E-mail: tommy@sools.com VDS 2.03

The VDSDLL is a large DLL containing many parts for all kinds of purposes. Alternatively the DLLs are available separately (approx. 2 MB). In addition to the VDSDLL you might want to download a small package containing some DLLs not contained in the VDSDLL, which complement it. Registered users can combine their own custom VDSDLLs. Please note that this DLL is shareware, for unregistered users it's unredistributable.
*) file download is located at www.vdsworld.com.

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