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vdsconv.dll V1.6.25.2001 (244 kB) Date: 25-06-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This extension DLL makes it easy to convert from and to .BMP, .GIF and .JPG image formats in your VDS script. It allows you to determine the image height and resize, crop and scale the image. Furthermore it allows you to take a screen capture of the desktop. The source code is included.

mtzip.dll V0.51 (254 kB) Date: 05-11-1999 Freeware
By Mark Toten E-mail: m.toten@hccnet.nl VDS 2.03

Add .ZIP compression and decompression capabilities to VDS using this extension DLL. The DLL performs zip and unzip operations through the zip32.dll and unzip32.dll DLLs.

vdsobj.dll V1.2.17.2001 (384 kB) Date: 05-01-2002 Price: $49.99
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This VDS extension DLL extends VDS with extra dialog dialog elements: file listbox, directory listbox, font combo listbox, color combo listbox, special graphics (.GIF, .JPG, .WMF and .EMF) and a richedit object. The objects are customizable in a way similar to the usual way of maintaining VDS controls.

vdsxarr.dll V1.0 (17 kB) Date: 09-11-1997 Freeware
By Anonymous (1) VDS 2.03

This extension can create and manage arrays. Usually you won't need to use this as you can accomplish about the same by using string lists.

memoext.dll V1.1 beta; 16 bit (254 kB) Date: 02-08-1998 Freeware
By GedB VDS 2.03

Through an external window this extension allows you to use menus and a multi-line edit box in Visual DialogScript 2. It's 16 bit, but using the included source code it might be possible to compile it into a 32 bit DLL.

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