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vdsmpeg.dll V1.4.11.2001 (235 kB) Date: 11-04-2001 Price: $10.00
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

Play MPEG layer 1 up to 3 (you'll want to use it for playing .MP3 files) audio files from your VDS scripts, so that you could relatively easily create a fully functional multimedia player.

xreg3.dll V3.0 (32 kB) Date: 27-09-1999 Freeware
By Ralph Ludwig E-mail: ralph.ludwig@lhsysnet.com VDS 2.03

Binary, string, integer, expanded string and multi-string type registry entries can be created, manipulated and deleted through this DLL. It can also return the type of a registry key.

vdsrnd16.dll* V1.0; 16 bit (15 kB) Date: 28-01-1998 Freeware
By S.A.D.E. s.a.r.l. E-mail: support@dialogscript.com VDS 2.03

This DLL complements VDS with a command and function which really should have been in VDS. You can generate random number which is for example very useful for a lottery number generation script. This is a 16 bit DLL.
*) file download is located at www.dialogscript.com.

vdsodbc.dll V1.1 (147 kB) Date: 26-04-2001 Price: $50.00
By MIDISA E-mail: info@midisa.com VDS 2.03

SQL queries can be made through this DLL using ODBC, which allows support for Access, Excel, FoxPro and other databases supporting ODBC. It also contains a string grid which can have colors depending on conditions, mask edit and a graph plotter. Note: registration for the VDSODBC DLL, will make you eligible to use both this VDS Crystal Reports DLL and the VDSODBC DLL for the single price of $50.

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