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vdsico.dll V1.7.30.2000 (220 kB) Date: 30-07-2000 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This extension can change the icon of a 32 bit Windows executable file. You can only use this to replace the icon of a file with an 32x32 pixels sized icon with 16 colors with a similar icon. The source code of the extension is included.

vdsstice.dll V1.5.14.2001 (25 kB) Date: 14-05-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

Extension for determining whether the Soft-Ice Win32 debugger is running or not. You'll want to disallow your programs from running while the debugger is active to prevent crackers from tampering with your software. Soft-Ice could for example be used by certain people to recover your script's source code. Remember though that Soft-Ice is not the only debugger, there still might be equivalent alternatives left for crackers. This extension includes its source code.

vdsxregv.dll V1.0 (19 kB) Date: 22-07-1997 Freeware
By Peter Jacob VDS 2.03

Through the registry this extension allows to share variables throughout several instances of VDS scripts. This can be used for communication inbetween several applications.

vdsgate.dll* V1.6 (28 kB) Date: 28-07-1998 Freeware
By S.A.D.E. s.a.r.l. E-mail: support@dialogscript.com VDS 2.03

This extension can write string, binary, hexadecimal and dword type registry entries. This extension is for registered users of Visual DialogScript only.
*) file download is located at www.dialogscript.com.

vdstcpip.dll* V1.0 (143 kB) Date: 26-02-2000 Price: $39.95
By S.A.D.E. s.a.r.l. E-mail: support@dialogscript.com VDS 2.03

At the moment this extension DLL adds a few internet commands and functions. The POP3 and SMTP protocols are implemented. Please make sure to read the license agreement, as the quoted price is only for use in undistributed scripts!
*) file download is located at www.dialogscript.com.

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