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vdsdll.dll V2.7 (482 kB) Date: 15-04-2001 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: tommy@sools.com VDS 2.03

The VDSDLL is a collection of most previously released and unreleased DLLs made by Tommy Sools. All of these DLLs are compiled together into just two DLLs. VDSDLL.DLL contains the following normal features: screen capture, color and font dialog, global mouse cursor setting, joystick support including force feedback, global hotkeys, port in- and output, global keyboard reading, general MIDI and PC speaker output, random number generator, video capture, global atom table and true maths. VDSINET.DLL contains the following internet clients: HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, time, html2text, net use, TCP/IP (sockets) and CGI (Common Gateway Interface). It also contains a TCP/IP server.

vdsping.dll V1.0 (44 kB) Date: 28-08-1999 Freeware
By Tommy Sools E-mail: tommy@sools.com VDS 2.03

Have your VDS scripts ping to other computers to determine the delay or resolve hostnames using this extension DLL.

mpselect.dll* V1.0 (268 kB) Date: 04-12-2001 Price: $24.99
By Mind Power Software E-mail: info@eyrisdev.com VDS 2.03

DLL which implements a way of being able to utilize "CASE"-like functionality, as available in most programming languages.
*) file download is located at www.eyrisdev.com.

vdsback.dll V1.4.18.2001 (32 kB) Date: 18-04-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

This is a small VDS extension for changing the operating system's desktop wallpaper on the fly. It includes the source code.

vdsflash.dll V1.4.2.2001 (25 kB) Date: 02-04-2001 Freeware
By PGWARE E-mail: support@pgware.com VDS 2.03

Small and easy to use extension DLL with the sole purpose to flash a window (its title bar or taskbar button), to make the user pay attention to the window. The source code is included.

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